Monday, June 27, 2016

Scuba day on Northwest Point

I can not even begin to explain how amazing my two dives were today. We dove at one of three top spots on the island called Northwest Point. Our first dive was at The Crack. After our decent, we got to swim through a crack in the coral and got to our lowest depth of 86 feet. After we got through we explored along the reef and two sharks discovered us. We also saw a big barracuda and a huge lobster! The fish and coral were amazing! After our surface interval, we moved to a second spot called the Coral Stairway. Our deepest point here was 56 feet. In addition to lots of fish and a school of barracudas, I had two reef sharks that hung out with us. They were so elegant and strong. Overall, I'm thankful to my friends Steph and Deb who encouraged me to get certified. Our dive masters Jane and Mickey with Flamingo Divers were professional and friendly and helped me feel comfortable on my first open ocean dive.  This was an amazing experience! 
Pre-dive shot of my dive buddies! 
Going through the crack with my friend Steph watching!
Reef shark off the wall!
Amazing coral!
Reef shark right behind us! 
Close up of my shark friend!







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