Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama

A visit to this memorial has been on my bucket list so I was so happy to visit this morning and be able to touch and explore the monument. This monument which is sponsored by the Southern Poverty Law Center was created by Maya Lin and is inspired by a line from Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech, "...we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream..." The memorial was dedicated in 1989 and remembers 40 people who died in the struggle for civil rights. After spending some time at the monument, I went inside to the Center where I learned about those civil rights maytrs. My favorite part inside the Center was signing the Wall of Tolerance and watching my name come up on the wall as I watched. My name signified my commitment to stand up for others and promote understanding and tolerance in our world. I appreciate the everyday work the Southern Poverty Law Center is doing to promote civil rights in the United States.

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