Monday, July 21, 2014

National World War II Museum in New Orleans

This morning I visited the National World War II Museum. This museum is also known as the D-Day Museum. New Orleans is home to Andrew Higgins the inventor of the LCVP (Landing Craft, Vehicles, Personel) also known as the Higgins Boat. These amphibious boats were instrumental in helping the Allies attack from the water and enabled Allied troops to run ashore quickly. A full boat of troops could unload in 19 seconds. This wonderful museum pays tribute to the many men and women who served our country. I was touched to see two World War II veterans there. One giving a tour and one on a tour. The museum was filled with recorded personal accounts and numerous artifacts which told detailed personal stories. In the bottom picture I am standing at the ramp of a Higgins Boat  This was another fantastic museum.

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