Thursday, July 31, 2014

Ingram Park in Birmingham, Alabama

This afternoon I stopped at Ingram Park; this park located right across from the 16th Street Baptist Church is the location of the confrontation between civil rights protestors and the Public Safety Commissioner Eugene "Bull" Connor during the month of May in 1963. Connor ordered police and firemen to confront the demonstrators, many whom were children some as young as seven, with fire hoses and police dogs. Images from these confrontations were broadcast nationally and brought attention to the civil rights movement. I also saw the memorial to the four young girls who were killed when the 16th Street Baptist Chuch was bombed by Klan members on Sunday, September 15, 1963. These marches and the bombing are credited with helping to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act. I have seen film footage from the marches at this park so it was amazing to stand here in person and think about the brave young people who made their stand for civil rights. 

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