Monday, July 18, 2016

Central Valley from Bakersfield to Sacramento

Today was all about traveling north through the Central Valley. This agriculture area is responsible for much of the tomatoes, almonds, grapes, apricots, and asparagus that are grown in the United States. It is also known for its production of onions, pistachios, and strawberries. The Central Valley stretches 450 miles north and south through the middle of California. It is 40-60 miles wide and is bordered by the Sierra Nevada and Coast Ranges. Agriculture in the Valley is reliant on irrigation from nearby rivers and is known for its sunny days and moderate climate. Over the years drought has been a concern in this area so water conservation efforts are in place. It was good to see where so much of our nation's produce originates. 
Pistachios in the field and in my hand! 
Onions on the road





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