Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Rogue River: National Wild and Scenic River

Today I hiked to the Rainie Falls along the Rogue River about 22 miles from Grant's Pass, Oregon. The federal designation of rivers has always interested me. In 1968 Congress created the National Wild and Scenic River System to protect certain free flowing rivers with outstanding natural, cultural, and recreational characteristics. This federal law is notable as it protects rivers while also allowing for appropriate development. It also promotes public participation in managing the rivers. Generally, this law protects the river from being damed or developed. This four mile long hike was beautiful and shady and the half way point of the falls was impressive. I enjoyed watching rafters and kayakers float as I walked. The poodles loved getting in for a swim in the cold river water and I did, too. I'm glad some of our rivers are protected and allowed to remain wild! Swimming in those rivers is good for the soul. 
With Cache on the trail
At the falls
Swimming in the Rogue River!




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